Find out just how quickly you can be profitable. Use the calculator to discover the economics of building a rapidly growing and highly profitable business delivering a superior broadband Internet experience in less-densely populated areas.
LocaLoop services are specifically designed to create profitable businesses that deliver high-quality, high-capacity rural wireless broadband Internet services. Our business-in-a-box solution will get you up and running fast with everything you need – including incomparable support for you and your subscribers.
Click the link to download the profit calculator. The profit calculator will allow you to check the business case with LocaLoop’s turnkey cloud solution. Change the NUMBER OF SUBSCRIBERS in the green highlighted cells to reflect your annual subscriber goals and the calculator will do the rest.
Note: Average Monthly Revenue per User (ARPU) is an estimate based on our experience with wireless broadband Internet services and year one revenue includes a ramp up of 20 subscribers per month.